Emmm... its normal to go through a medical check up each time kite pegi tempat baru. What i mean is tempat belajar or keje. I thought I dont have to go through any medical check up since pihak kolej ni x de inform ape-ape pun seblom gua report duty.
Untuk dijadikan cerita last week they ask me to go through a medical check up.. Cib bet!!
Bukan takut pun nk jumpe doc, gua takut kantoi ape2 yg patut je.. kalau kantoi pun x salah, im not doing any crime for sure cuma its gonna effect my reputation la sket. Sket je pun...x la banyak..
Maka dengan itu, last week gua dah berguru ngan one of my senior camne nk kasi m.c.u gua clear.. ade la beberapa petua yang orang tua tu bagi tapi gua x follow pun.hehehe...sbb susah nak carik bahan
What I did is, gua pulun mineral water kaw2 sepanjang minggu ni without fail n the result is i keep on going in n out sebarang toilet yang berdekatan...sampai la the last minutes nk wat medical check up tadi pun gua blom puas tongang mineral water. Akibatnye, time nurse tu called utk g wat urine test tadi, gua dah x sabar2 nk terkucil (sebab air dah banyak sangat dalam pundi kencing wahahaha :D)
bla bla bla....after less than an hour, my medical check up settel...result normal xde bende2 yg abnormal...lega kaw2...
So the conclusion is..kak June n Bro Im,lu org punye petua x bleh pakai!!...
Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
6 days ago
la..xbest la..bio la positive dadah ker..best skit cite nye..hahah..wei..check blog aku..hehehe...update cuti2 gk 5lapan
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